Buy the Book and the DVD
Charl van Wyk was just an ordinary Christian man until July 25, 1993 - the day that would become known for the St. James Massacre. It was on this date that Charl van Wyk shot back at the terrorists who were attacking an innocent congregation gathered in worship and saved many lives in the process.
Buy the Book
Near-daily news rings out about another mass-shooting incident. It’s followed—as surely as shadows trail setting suns—by politicians promising more laws to remove guns from the hands of the law-abiding. Now more than ever is the time for gunowners around the world to remain vigilant and ready to exercise—and fight for—their God-given right to self-defense. Told by the man who relied on his revolver to repel terrorists, armed with automatic rifles and hand grenades, attacking a church full of worshipers; “Reloaded” is a clarion call to those who love liberty—and Christians in particular.

An excellent book and DVD combo is “Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self Defense,” which tells the story of how one man saved many lives in a congregation gathered in prayer as well as answers some basic questions about church security."
- Chuck NorrisCharl van Wyk

Charl van Wyk is a Christian missionary, author and activist in Africa.
His belief in his Christian duty to protect the innocent, vulnerable and oppressed led him to single-handedly return fire in the midst of a terrorist attack, saving many lives!
The story of how God led Charl to forgive and pursue reconciliation with his attackers is captured in his best-selling book, Shooting Back – The Right and Duty of Self-defense.
Now he is engaged in a new war - a battle to establish kingdom-focused covenant communities in Southern Africa.
His pro-active stance on educating the Church and renewing minds with a Biblical worldview drives him to see communities changed through the Gospel, discipleship and community development.
- Facilitating a range of strategic projects
- Directly supporting Africans in remote and marginalized locations
- Building up and equipping the forgotten young people
- Creating hope, changing minds and giving purpose.
Join Charl van Wyk and In Touch Mission International as they pray and work toward reformation - building a generation of young, Christ-centered, Gospel-driven servant leaders to take action in a broken world.
"Blessed be His glorious Name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His glory!"
Psalm 72:19